Founded in 1880

"This is the most recent addition to the commonwealth of the county. Like Chapin township, just south of it, it is a fractional township, and forms a Congressional township with the addition of 12 sections of the lands of Gratiot county.

The population in June, 1880, was only 80; this number increased during the subsequent year to 120, and there is a prospect of an annual increase for years to come.

So far the roads were very fair in June, 1881; but beyond that point the nominal highways were mere rivers of mud.

The township is watered by the sources of Bad river, Great and Little Potato creeks and numerous streams.

The land is rich in all the constituents of soil, heavily timbered with hard wood, and wrapped, as it were, in a dense underwood.

A new road is to be cut through to Chapin this year, and other improvements effected."

Census Data

2009 census data about Marion County

History of Saginaw County

Here's an excerpt from the book, History of Saginaw County, by James Cooke.

The Origin of the Township

During the session of the board, Jan. 14, 1880, this committee reported as follows:

"Gentlemen—Your committee, to whom was referred the application of Daniel Paul and 15 freeholders of the township of Brant, praying that fractional town 10 north, of range one east, be detached from the town of Brant, and that said town north, of range one east, be erected into a township to be known as the township of Marion—after due consideration would report in favor of granting the prayer of the applicants, and recommended the adoption of the following preamble and resolution, to wit:

WHEREAS, It satisfactorily appears by affidavit thereto attached, that notice of such application has been posted up in five of the most public places in said township of Brant for four weeks next preceding said application, and that the same has been duly published in the Business, a newspaper published in said county, for the period of four weeks immediately preceding the present session of the Board of Supervisors of the county of Saginaw, as required by law; now therefore be it Resolved, By the Board of Supervisors of the county of Saginaw, that town 10 north, of range one east, be, and is hereby erected in a township to be called and known by the name of Marion.

Resolved, That the first township meeting, of said township of Marion, shall be held on the first Monday of April, 1880, at the house of Loren A. Paul, and that Daniel Paul, Daniel Welsh and Malcolm McInnis, be, and they are hereby appointed inspectors of said township meeting; whose duty it shall be to preside at such meeting, appoint a clerk, open and keep the polls, and exercise the same powers as the inspectors of elections at any township meeting. That Daniel Paul be, and is hereby appointed to post up three notices, according to law, of the time and place of holding the first township meeting in said new township of Marion; that Daniel Paul post notices of registration, required by law, in three conspicuous places in said new township of Marion, and that the said Daniel Paul, Daniel Welsh and Malcolm McInnis be, and they are hereby appointed the Board of Registration, and are required to take the constitutional oath before entering upon the duties of Board of Registration, and upon the election of the officers of said township; the said oath so taken shall be filed with the Township Clerk of Marion.

This report was unanimously adopted.

THE FIRST TOWNSHIP MEETING was held April 5, 1880, at the house of Daniel Paul, section 1, with Daniel Paul, Moderator; Thomas Kernohan, Clerk, and Donald Welsh and Finlay McInnis, Inspectors of election. The following officers were elected: Daniel Paul, Supervisor; Thomas Kernohan, Clerk; Finlay McInnis, Treasurer; Wm. Crittes, Wm. Irwin, and Donald Welsh, Justices of Peace; John B. Stewart, Road Commissioner; Isaac Hodson, Drain Commissioner; Cyrus Fauble, School Superintendent; John B. Stewart, School Inspector; Van Patten, Albert Northrop, Lorin Paul, Constables.

The second annual meeting was held at the house of William Crittes, April 3, 1881; Mr. Paul presided. Thomas Kernohan was Clerk, and Henry Tolgate and Wm. Crittes were Inspectors of election. Daniel Paul was elected Supervisor; Henry Tolgate, Clerk; Thomas Kernohan, Treasurer; Dr. Gray, Justice of Peace; Gilbert Rhodes, Drain Commissioner; Van Patten, Road Commissioner; William Crittes, School Superintendent; Charles Rector, Inspector; Rufus Himbley and Lorin A. Paul, Constables."

There is only one school-house in the township. The school is taught by Miss Jenny Fauble. This school was started Nov. 22, 1880, in a log lumber shanty on the southeast quarter of section 26.

The people propose erecting a large frame building for school purposes on the northeast quarter of section 35. The children attending school at the beginning of 1881 were: Molly Fauble, John Fauble, Minnie Fauble, Edith and James Stewart, George, John, and Arthur Crittes, Frederick Kernohan, Mary, Charles, Eva and Bertie Irwin, Cora Hodson, Joseph and Ira Osborne, Miss Rector, Rolland Schneider, and Martha Snyder. The total number enrolled was 96.
The principal manufacturing industry was projected in 1879, by John B. Stewart, as a steam saw-mill. The concern is now operated by Messrs. Barnum and Whitmore. It is located on section 24. There is also a portable saw-mill operated by Daniel Paul. There are no churches, nor is there an immediate prospect of erecting a building specially for worship; the new school-house will probably be utilized as a house of worship.

The settlers of Marion, still perpetuate in a great measure the manners and customs of pioneer days. Their motto is evidently, "Each for each, and all for all." They live in an atmosphere of contentment and happiness.