Marion Township Fire Department
Coming Events
Assistant Fire Chief
Fire Captain
Fire Fighter
Fire Fighter
Fire Fighter
Fire Fighter
Fire Fighter
Fire Fighter
Fire Fighter
Fire Fighter
In 1979, the Marion Springs community lost a resident to a horrific fire. At that time, the nearest fire department was 8 miles away. After this tragedy, it was decided by a group of women that Marion Township needed a local fire department. With much opposition, many fund raisers and a lot of hard work the group grew and eventually became what is known today as the Marion Springs Fire Fund. The groups main focus is raising funds for the Marion Township Fire Department. These funds have purchased vital equipment to the department.
Since its start, the Marion Township Fire Department has flourished into one of Saginaw Counties finest departments. The department works closely with other departments of the area on incidents but also on training. Recently, the department organized one of the largest water tender shuttle training the county has ever had. Four counties, 13 departments with over 75 firefighters participated.
Marion Township Fire Department is very proud of the services it gives to their citizens. Although the department may be one of the smallest in the county, it provides excellent care and fire protection.